[EasyBuild-tools] [package list]
EasyBuild-tools/23.09 (EasyBuild-tools-23.09.eb)
To access module help and find out for which stacks and partitions the module is
installed, use module spider EasyBuild-tools/23.09
# Additional tools that EasyBuild expects in the operating system
# but are not available on LUMI, and are not a good match for
# "buildtools" either as they are not really related to typical
# build processes of software.
#DOC Contains p7zip.
easyblock = 'Bundle'
import os as local_os
local_LUMI_version = '23.09'
name = 'EasyBuild-tools'
version = local_LUMI_version
# Version info:
local_makeinfo_version = '7.0.3' # texinfo 20230326 - Check on https://gnu.askapache.com/texinfo/ (newr than EB 2022b)
local_p7zip_version = '17.05' # 20240220 - Check on https://github.com/p7zip-project/p7zip/releases
homepage = '(none)'
whatis = [
'Description: A bundle of tools that EasyBuild wants from the OS but are missing on LUMI.',
'Contains: p7zip'
description = f"""
This bundle collects a number of tools that EasyBuild expects from the OS but
are missing on LUMI.
+ p7zip {local_p7zip_version} - https://github.com/p7zip-project/p7zip
These tools are all build against the system libraries
toolchain = SYSTEM
dependencies = []
builddependencies = []
osdependencies = []
default_easyblock = 'ConfigureMake'
components = [
('p7zip', local_p7zip_version, {
'easyblock': 'MakeCp',
'sources': [ { 'download_filename' : 'v%(version)s.tar.gz',
'filename' : SOURCE_TAR_GZ,
'source_urls' : ['https://github.com/p7zip-project/p7zip/archive/refs/tags'],
} ],
'checksums': [{f'p7zip-{local_p7zip_version}.tar.gz': 'd2788f892571058c08d27095c22154579dfefb807ebe357d145ab2ddddefb1a6'}],
'start_dir': '%(namelower)s-%(version)s',
'prebuildopts': 'cp makefile.linux_amd64 makefile.linux &&',
'buildopts': 'all3 CC="gcc" CXX="g++" OPTFLAGS="-O2 -march=znver1"',
'files_to_copy': [
(['bin/7za', 'bin/7zr', 'bin/7zCon.sfx'], 'bin'), # stand-alone binaries
(['bin/7z', 'bin/7z.%s' % SHLIB_EXT, 'bin/Codecs'], 'libexec'), # 7z requires 7z.so plugin in same directory
(['ChangeLog', 'DOC/copying.txt', 'DOC/License.txt'], 'share/licenses/%(name)s'), # License information
postinstallcmds = [
# p7zip: Create the 7z script in the bin directory.
'echo \'#!/bin/sh\n%(installdir)s/libexec/7z $@\' > %(installdir)s/bin/7z',
'chmod +x %(installdir)s/bin/7z', # set execution bits according to current umask
sanity_check_paths = {
'files': # p7zip
['bin/7z', 'bin/7za', 'bin/7zCon.sfx', 'bin/7zr', 'libexec/7z', 'libexec/7z.%s' % SHLIB_EXT],
'dirs': # p7zip
sanity_check_commands = [
# p7zip
'7z --help',
'7z x || test $? -gt 0',
'! 7z i | grep -q "Can\'t load" ',
# Unlike with buildtools, we cannot set individual environment variables here
# for each included package unless we also exclude them in the EasyBuild configiration
# with --allow-loaded-modules. The error message from EasyBuild is actually confusing
# as it will complain using module names of modules that are loaded (and may be excluded
# with --allow-loaded-modules) rather than claiming that it found, e.g., a p7zip.
#modextravars = {
# 'EBROOTP7ZIP': '%(installdir)s',
# 'EBVERSIONP7ZIP': local_p7zip_version,
moduleclass = 'tools'
modluafooter = f"""
extensions( "p7zip/{local_p7zip_version}" )