EasyBuild/4.4.2 (EasyBuild-4.4.2.eb)
This software is archived in the LUMI-SoftwareStack GitHub repository as easybuild/easyconfigs/__archive__/e/EasyBuild/EasyBuild-4.4.2.eb. The corresponding module would be EasyBuild/4.4.2.
#DOC This is the version of EasyBuild used for the 21.08 software stack.
easyblock = 'EB_EasyBuildMeta'
name = 'EasyBuild'
version = '4.4.2'
homepage = 'https://easybuilders.github.io/easybuild'
whatis = [
"Description: EasyBuild is a software build and installation framework written in Python that allows you to install software in a structured, repeatable and robust way."
description = """
EasyBuild is a software build and installation framework
written in Python that allows you to install software in a structured,
repeatable and robust way.
usage = """
See the documentation on readthedocs. Only the documentation of the latest
version is readily available.
The EasyBuild module on LUMI should be used through the EasyBuild-user or
EasyBuild-production modules. These modules ensure that EasyBuild is properly
configured to install software on LUMI.
* Installing software that is common to all partitions: First load the
appropriate LUMI software stack module and the hidden partition/common module
and then load either EasyBuild-user or EasyBuild-production (the latter for
system managers only) module.
* Installing software for a specific partition works in the same way, but then
by loading the appropriate partition module. It is best to compile software on
a node of that partition as cross-compiling may not always work as some packages
have the nasty habit to add compiler options that conflict with the requirements
of cross-compiling.
docurls = [
"Web-based documentation on https://easybuild.readthedocs.io/"
toolchain = SYSTEM
source_urls = [
# easybuild-framework
# easybuild-easyblocks
# easybuild-easyconfigs
sources = [
patches = [
checksums = [
'1e6580f210bc742ee1518d0a85389b32199b692de80548c80e93fa2a1a32dd01', # easybuild-framework-4.4.2.tar.gz
'4918f13ffcd97c8b9eb0a10517bdc5b28f67c3602882d4be0bee3afc401fd78c', # easybuild-easyblocks-4.4.2.tar.gz
'6ec2fa4d9116d45298318f31292726b6f6d1257580cff82138904c69ab38bc46', # easybuild-easyconfigs-4.4.2.tar.gz
'd823213811e610fae568dbb0d010b4460f75e23902ed56dddca892f3dc0c9976', # EasyBuild-4.4.2_keyring_DBus.patch
# order matters a lot, to avoid having dependencies auto-resolved (--no-deps easy_install option doesn't work?)
# EasyBuild is a (set of) Python packages, so it depends on Python
# usually, we want to use the system Python, so no actual Python dependency is listed
allow_system_deps = [('Python', SYS_PYTHON_VERSION)]
local_pyshortver = '.'.join(SYS_PYTHON_VERSION.split('.')[:2])
sanity_check_paths = {
'files': ['bin/eb'],
'dirs': ['lib/python%s/site-packages' % local_pyshortver],
# Set Python 3 for EasyBuild
modextravars = {
'EB_PYTHON': 'python3',
moduleclass = 'tools'