file/5.43-cpeCray-23.03 (file-5.43-cpeCray-23.03.eb)
To access module help and find out for which stacks and partitions the module is
installed, use module spider file/5.43-cpeCray-23.03
# This file is an EasyBuild reciPY as per
easyblock = 'ConfigureMake'
local_zlib_version = '1.2.12' #
local_bzip2_version = '1.0.8' #
local_XZ_version = '5.4.2' #
local_file_version = '5.43' #
name = 'file'
version = local_file_version
homepage = ''
whatis = [
"Description: file provides the file command, a 'file type guesser",
description = """
The file command is 'a file type guesser', that is, a command-line tool
that tells you in words what kind of data a file contains. Unlike most
GUI systems, command-line UNIX systems - with this program leading the
charge - don't rely on filename extentions to tell you the type of a file,
but look at the file's actual contents. This is, of course, more reliable,
but requires a bit of I/O.
The module does not only provide the file command, but also libmagic on
which it is based.
docurls = [
"Manual pages: file (1), libmagic (3) and magic (4)"
toolchain = {'name': 'cpeCray', 'version': '23.03'}
toolchainopts = {'pic': True}
source_urls = ['']
sources = [SOURCE_TAR_GZ]
checksums = ['8c8015e91ae0e8d0321d94c78239892ef9dbc70c4ade0008c0e95894abfb1991']
builddependencies = [ # Create a reproducible build environment.
('buildtools', '%(toolchain_version)s', '', True), # for autotools
dependencies = [
('zlib', local_zlib_version),
('bzip2', local_bzip2_version),
('XZ', local_XZ_version),
sanity_check_paths = {
'files': ['bin/file', 'include/magic.h', 'lib/libmagic.%s' % SHLIB_EXT, 'lib/pkgconfig/libmagic.pc'] +
['share/man/man1/file.1', 'share/man/man3/libmagic.3', 'share/man/man4/magic.4'],
'dirs': []
sanity_check_commands = [
'file --version',
'pkg-config --libs libmagic',
moduleclass = 'system'