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[gdbm] [package list]

gdbm/1.23-cpeCray-22.06 (gdbm-1.23-cpeCray-22.06.eb)

This software is archived in the LUMI-SoftwareStack GitHub repository as easybuild/easyconfigs/__archive__/g/gdbm/gdbm-1.23-cpeCray-22.06.eb. The corresponding module would be gdbm/1.23-cpeCray-22.06.

easyblock = 'ConfigureMake'

local_ncurses_version =      '6.2'           #
local_libreadline_version =  '8.1.2'         #
local_libiconv_version =     '1.17'          #
local_gettext_version =      '0.21'          #
local_gdbm_version =         '1.23'          #

name =    'gdbm'
version = local_gdbm_version

homepage = ''

whatis = [
    'Description: GNU dbm is a library of database functions that use extensible hashing and works similar to the standard UNIX dbm functions.',

description = """
GNU dbm (or GDBM, for short) is a library of database functions that use
extensible hashing and work similar to the standard UNIX dbm. These routines
are provided to a programmer needing to create and manipulate a hashed

The basic use of GDBM is to store key/data pairs in a data file. Each key
must be unique and each key is paired with only one data item.

The library provides primitives for storing key/data pairs, searching and
retrieving the data by its key and deleting a key along with its data. It
also support sequential iteration over all key/data pairs in a database.

For compatibility with programs using old UNIX dbm function, the package
also provides traditional dbm and ndbm interfaces.

This module provides static and shared liberaries.

docurls = [
    'Web-based documentation:',
    'Support for the info command (info gdbm)',
    'man pages for gdbmtool. gdbm_dump and gdbm_load in section 1 and for the API as gdbm in section 3',

toolchain = {'name': 'cpeCray', 'version': '22.06'}
toolchainopts = {'pic': True}
#toolchainopts = {'pic': True, 'precise': True}

sources =     [SOURCELOWER_TAR_GZ]
source_urls = [GNU_SOURCE]
checksums =   ['74b1081d21fff13ae4bd7c16e5d6e504a4c26f7cde1dca0d963a484174bbcacd']

builddependencies = [
    ('buildtools', '%(toolchain_version)s', '', True),
    ('libiconv',   local_libiconv_version),
    ('gettext',    local_gettext_version), # Really a build dependency? It doesn't seem to link to it.

dependencies = [
    ('ncurses',     local_ncurses_version),
    ('libreadline', local_libreadline_version),

# Note there is also libintl but that is part of the GNU C library so we son\'t use our own.
configopts = '--enable-libgdbm-compat --with-libiconv-prefix=$EBROOTLIBICONV'

sanity_check_paths = {
    'files': ['lib/libgdbm%s.%s' % (x, y)  for x in [ '', '_compat'] for y in ['a', 'la', SHLIB_EXT]] +
             ['include/%s.h' % x for x in ['dbm', 'gdbm', 'ndbm']] +
             ['bin/gdbmtool', 'bin/gdbm_dump', 'bin/gdbm_load'],
    'dirs':  ['share/info', 'share/man', 'share/locale'],

sanity_check_commands = [
    'gdbmtool -V',
    'gdbm_dump -V',
    'gdbm_load -V',

modextrapaths = {
    'INFOPATH' : 'share/info',

moduleclass = 'devel'

[gdbm] [package list]