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[libunwind] [package list]

libunwind/1.6.2-cpeAOCC-22.08 (libunwind-1.6.2-cpeAOCC-22.08.eb)

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easyblock = 'ConfigureMake'

local_XZ_version =           '5.2.5'         #
local_libunwind_version  =   '1.6.2'         #

name =    'libunwind'
version = local_libunwind_version

homepage = ''

whatis = [
    'Description: Efficient C programming interface to determine the call-chain of a program'

description = """
Libunwind is define a portable and efficient C programming interface (API) to
determine the call-chain of a program. The API additionally provides the means
to manipulate the preserved (callee-saved) state of each call-frame and to
resume execution at any point in the call-chain (non-local goto). The API
supports both local (same-process) and remote (across-process) operation. As
such, the API is useful in a number of applications

- exception handling: the libunwind API makes it trivial to implement the
  stack-manipulation aspects of exception handling.

- debuggers: the libunwind API makes it trivial for debuggers to generate the
  call-chain (backtrace) of the threads in a running program.

- introspection: it is often useful for a running thread to determine its
  call-chain. For example, this is useful to display error messages (to show how
  the error came about) and for performance monitoring/analysis.

- efficient setjmp(): With libunwind, it is possible to implement an extremely
  efficient version of setjmp(). Effectively, the only context that needs to be
  saved consists of the stack-pointer(s).

docurls = [

toolchain = {'name': 'cpeAOCC', 'version': '22.08'}

source_urls = [GNU_SAVANNAH_SOURCE]
sources =     [SOURCE_TAR_GZ]
checksums =   ['4a6aec666991fb45d0889c44aede8ad6eb108071c3554fcdff671f9c94794976']

builddependencies = [
    ('buildtools', '%(toolchain_version)s', '', True),

dependencies = [
    ('XZ', local_XZ_version),

preconfigopts = 'export LIBS="$LIBS -llzma" && export CFLAGS="$CFLAGS -fuse-ld=bfd -fno-common" && '

sanity_check_paths = {
    'files': ['include/libunwind.h', 'lib/libunwind.%s' % SHLIB_EXT],
    'dirs': []

moduleclass = 'lib'

[libunwind] [package list]