libwebp/1.2.0-cpeCray-21.08 (libwebp-1.2.0-cpeCray-21.08.eb)
This software is archived in the LUMI-SoftwareStack GitHub repository as easybuild/easyconfigs/__archive__/l/libwebp/libwebp-1.2.0-cpeCray-21.08.eb. The corresponding module would be libwebp/1.2.0-cpeCray-21.08.
# NOTE: Can use SDL (optional), not yet included and doesn't seem to make sense
# unless OpenGL is also used.
easyblock = 'ConfigureMake'
local_giflib_version = '5.2.1' #
local_libjpegturbo_version = '2.1.0' #
local_libpng_version = '1.6.37' #
local_libtiff_version = '4.3.0' #
local_libwebp_version = '1.2.0' #
name = 'libwebp'
version = local_libwebp_version
homepage = ''
whatis = [
"Description: libwebp is a library to encode and decode images in WebP format"
description = """
WebP is a modern image format that provides superior lossless and lossy
compression for images on the web. Using WebP, webmasters and web developers
can create smaller, richer images that make the web faster.
toolchain = {'name': 'cpeCray', 'version': '21.08'}
toolchainopts = {'pic': True}
source_urls = ['']
checksums = ['2fc8bbde9f97f2ab403c0224fb9ca62b2e6852cbc519e91ceaa7c153ffd88a0c']
builddependencies = [ # Create a reproducible build environment.
('buildtools', '%(toolchain_version)s', '', True),
dependencies = [
('giflib', local_giflib_version),
('libjpeg-turbo', local_libjpegturbo_version),
('libpng', local_libpng_version),
('LibTIFF', local_libtiff_version),
configopts = '--enable-libwebpmux --enable-libwebpdemux --enable-libwebpdecoder --enable-libwebpextras'
sanity_check_paths = {
'files': [],
'dirs': ['include', 'lib']
moduleclass = 'lib'