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License information

The lumio-conf tool is licensed under an MIT license a copy of which can be found in the LICENSE file in the LUMI-O-tools GitHub repository.

After loading the module, the license file can also be found in the $EBROOTLUMIO/share/licenses/lumio directory.

Pre-installed modules (and EasyConfigs)

To access module help and find out for which stacks and partitions the module is installed, use module spider lumio/<version>.


  • lumio/1.0.0 (EasyConfig: lumio-1.0.0.eb)

    This version creates the rclone endpoints lumi-o and lumi-pub which differ from those in the config files generated by the web-based credential management system or the tools in Open OnDemand.

  • lumio/2.0.0 (EasyConfig: lumio-2.0.0.eb)

    This version is the first version that creates the same endpoints for rclone as the tools in Open OnDemand or the web-based credential management service, i.e., lumi-46YXXXXXX-private and lumi-46YXXXXXX-public.

Technical documentation

This module is part of the modules that provide support for the LUMI-O object storage system. This module contains the configuration script where currently we expect that changes may be needed more often, while the lumio-ext-tools module provides some basic commands that don't need frequent updates.


Version 1.0.0

  • This EasyConfig is a development by CSC and LUST. All it needs to do is download the repository and copy the files it needs.

Version 2.0.0

  • This is for the first release of the official GO version of lumio-conf which was labeled version 1.0.0. We still combine with the same older versions of rclone, s3cmd and restic as there is no time to test a lot.

  • The EasyConfig needed a big rework. For this version, a precompiled executable is distributed via GitHub, as are the sources. We currently download both so that we also have the LICENSE file.

  • Otherwise it is just a MakeCp EasyConfig file. During the unpacking, we ensure that the executable is actually in the directory that also contains the sources.