[lumio-ext-tools] [package list]
lumio-ext-tools/1.0.0 (lumio-ext-tools-1.0.0.eb)
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installed, use module spider lumio-ext-tools/1.0.0
# Written by Henrik Nortamo for the LUMI project
easyblock = 'Bundle'
name = 'lumio-ext-tools'
version = '1.0.0'
whatis = [
'Description: Basic tooling for LUMI-O. Provides rclone, s3cmd and restic'
description = """
Bundle of external tools used to access LUMI-O
This module is meant to be used with the `lumio` module which provides a tool
for authentication.
docurls = [
'Manual pages for the rclone and s3cmd commands in section 1',
local_rclone_version = '1.61.1'
local_s3cmd_version = '2.3.0'
local_restic_version = '0.15.1'
local_magic_version = '0.4.27' # Dependency for s3cmd that is not already on the system.
toolchain = SYSTEM
# Static go built binary
('rclone', local_rclone_version,{
'easyblock': 'MakeCp',
'source_urls' : ['https://downloads.%(name)s.org/v%(version)s/'],
'sources' : ['%(name)s-v%(version)s-linux-amd64.zip'],
'checksums' : ['6d6455e1cb69eb0615a52cc046a296395e44d50c0f32627ba8590c677ddf50a9'],
'start_dir': '%(name)s-v%(version)s-linux-amd64',
'skipsteps' : ['build'],
#'files_to_copy' : [(['%(name)s-v%(version)s-linux-amd64/rclone'], 'bin'),
'files_to_copy' : [(['rclone'], 'bin'),
(['rclone.1'], 'share/man/man1')],
# Static go built binary
('restic', local_restic_version, {
'easyblock': 'MakeCp',
'source_urls' : ['https://github.com/%(name)s/%(name)s/releases/download/v%(version)s/'],
'sources' : ['%(name)s_%(version)s_linux_amd64.bz2'],
'checksums' : ['3631e3c3833c84ba71f22ea3df20381676abc7476a7f6d14424d9abfada91414'],
'files_to_copy' : [(['%(name)s_%(version)s_linux_amd64'],'bin')],
'skipsteps' : ['build'],
('python-magic', local_magic_version,{
'easyblock': 'PythonPackage',
'source_urls': [PYPI_SOURCE],
'sources' : ['%(name)s-%(version)s.tar.gz'],
'start_dir': '%(namelower)s-%(version)s',
'req_py_majver': 3, # Used to let EasyBuild select the right system Python executable.
'req_py_minver': 6, # Used to let EasyBuild select the right system Python executable.
('s3cmd', local_s3cmd_version,{
'easyblock': 'PythonPackage',
'source_urls': [PYPI_SOURCE],
'sources' : ['%(name)s-%(version)s.tar.gz'],
'start_dir': '%(namelower)s-%(version)s',
'req_py_majver': 3, # Used to let EasyBuild select the right system Python executable.
'req_py_minver': 6, # Used to let EasyBuild select the right system Python executable.
# Replace the s3cmd script by one that does not rely on PYTHONPATH being set
local_s3cmd = f"""#!/usr/bin/python3
# EASY-INSTALL-SCRIPT: 's3cmd=={local_s3cmd_version}','s3cmd'
import pathlib
import sys
sys.path.insert(0,str(script_dir) + f'/../lib/python{{sys.version_info[0]}}.{{sys.version_info[1]}}/site-packages/')
__requires__ = 's3cmd=={local_s3cmd_version}'
__import__('pkg_resources').run_script('s3cmd=={local_s3cmd_version}', 's3cmd')"""
# Probably not the right way to do this...
postinstallcmds = [
f'cat >%(installdir)s/bin/s3cmd <<EOF\n{local_s3cmd}\nEOF',
'chmod 755 %(installdir)s/bin/s3cmd',
'mv %(installdir)s/bin/restic_0.15.1_linux_amd64 %(installdir)s/bin/restic && chmod +x %(installdir)s/bin/restic',
f'mkdir -p %(installdir)s/share/man/man1 && cp %(builddir)s/s3cmd-{local_s3cmd_version}/s3cmd.1 %(installdir)s/share/man/man1',
f'mkdir -p %(installdir)s/share/licenses/s3cmd && cp %(builddir)s/s3cmd-{local_s3cmd_version}/LICENSE %(installdir)s/share/licenses/s3cmd',
f'mkdir -p %(installdir)s/share/licenses/python-magic && cp %(builddir)s/python-magic-{local_magic_version}/LICENSE %(installdir)s/share/licenses/python-magic',
sanity_check_paths = {
'files': [ 'bin/rclone', 'bin/restic', 'bin/s3cmd' ],
'dirs': [ 'lib/python3.6/site-packages' ],
sanity_check_commands = [
'rclone --version',
'restic version',
's3cmd --version',
moduleclass = 'tools'
modluafooter = f"""
extensions( "rclone/{local_rclone_version}", "restic/{local_restic_version}", "s3cmd/{local_s3cmd_version}" )