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[OpenPGM] [package list]

OpenPGM/5.2.122-cpeGNU-22.08 (OpenPGM-5.2.122-cpeGNU-22.08.eb)

This software is archived in the LUMI-EasyBuild-contrib GitHub repository as easybuild/easyconfigs/__archive__/o/OpenPGM/OpenPGM-5.2.122-cpeGNU-22.08.eb. The corresponding module would be OpenPGM/5.2.122-cpeGNU-22.08.

# Adapted for LUMI by Orian Louant

easyblock = 'ConfigureMake'

name = 'OpenPGM'
version = '5.2.122'

homepage = ''

whatis = [
  'Description: OpenPGM is an open source implementation of the Pragmatic '
  'General Multicast specification in RFC 3208'

description = """
 OpenPGM is an open source implementation of the Pragmatic General Multicast
 (PGM) specification in RFC 3208 available at PGM is a reliable
 and scalable multicast protocol that enables receivers to detect loss, request
 retransmission of lost data, or notify an application of unrecoverable loss.
 PGM is a receiver-reliable protocol, which means the receiver is responsible
 for ensuring all data is received, absolving the sender of reception

toolchain = {'name': 'cpeGNU', 'version': '22.08'}
toolchainopts = {'pic': True}

source_urls = ['']
sources = ['libpgm-%(version)s.tar.gz']
patches = [
checksums = [
    # libpgm-5.2.122.tar.gz
    # OpenPGM-5.2.122-python3-compliant.patch

builddependencies = [
    ('cray-python', EXTERNAL_MODULE),

start_dir = 'pgm'

sanity_check_paths = {
    'files': ['lib/libpgm.%s' % SHLIB_EXT, 'lib/libpgm.a'],
    'dirs': ['include'],

moduleclass = 'system'

[OpenPGM] [package list]