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[PyTorch] [package list]

PyTorch/2.2.2-rocm-5.6.1-python-3.10-singularity-20240404 (PyTorch-2.2.2-rocm-5.6.1-python-3.10-singularity-20240404.eb)

Install with the EasyBuild-user module in partition/container:

module load LUMI partition/container EasyBuild-user
eb PyTorch-2.2.2-rocm-5.6.1-python-3.10-singularity-20240404.eb
The module will be available in all versions of the LUMI stack and in the CrayEnv stack.

To access module help after installation use module spider PyTorch/2.2.2-rocm-5.6.1-python-3.10-singularity-20240404.


# Developed by Kurt Lust and Mihkel Tiks for LUMI
#DOC Contains PyTorch 2.2.2 with torchaudio 2.2.2, torchdata 0.7.1+cpu, torchtext 0.17.2+cpu,
#DOC torchvision 0.17.2 GPU version, DeepSpeed 0.14.0,  flash-attention 2.0.4 and
#DOC xformers 0.0.26+82368ac.d20240403, on Python 3.10 and ROCm 5.6.1.
#DOC The container also fully assists the procedure to add extra packages in a Python virtual environment.
#DOC This version works with $WITH_CONDA, $WITH_VENV and $WITH_CONDA_VENV for initialisation of the 
#DOC conda env, Python venv or both environments respectively.

easyblock = 'MakeCp'

local_c_rocm_version =    '5.6.1'
local_c_python_mm =       '3.10'
local_c_PyTorch_version = '2.2.2'
local_dockerhash =        'de61e1058846'
local_date =              '20240404'

local_c_DeepSpeed_version =      '0.14.0'
local_c_flashattention_version = '2.0.4'
local_c_xformers_version =       '0.0.26+82368ac.d20240403'

local_conda_env = 'pytorch'

name =          'PyTorch'
version =       local_c_PyTorch_version
versionsuffix = f'-rocm-{local_c_rocm_version}-python-{local_c_python_mm}-singularity-{local_date}'

local_sif =    f'lumi-pytorch-rocm-{local_c_rocm_version}-python-{local_c_python_mm}-pytorch-v{local_c_PyTorch_version}-dockerhash-{local_dockerhash}.sif'
#local_docker = f'lumi-pytorch-rocm-{local_c_rocm_version}-python-{local_c_python_mm}-pytorch-v2.2.0.docker'

homepage = ''

whatis = [
    'Description: PyTorch, a machine learning package',
    'Keywords: PyTorch, DeepSpeed, flash-attention, xformers'

description = f"""
This module provides a container with PyTorch %(version)s (with torchaudio,
torchdata, torchtext and torchvision) on Python {local_c_python_mm}. It also contains 
DeepSpeed {local_c_DeepSpeed_version}, flash-attention {local_c_flashattention_version} and xformers {local_c_xformers_version}.

The module defines a number of environment variables available outside the

*   SIF and SIFPYTORCH: The full path and name of the Singularity SIF file 
    to use with singularity exec etc.
*   SINGULAIRTY_BINDPATH: Mounts the necessary directories from the system,
    including /users, /project, /scratch and /flash so that you should be
    able to use your regular directories in the container.
*   RUNSCRIPTS and RUNSCRIPTSPYTORCH: The directory with some sample
*   CONTAINERROOT: Root directory of the container installation. Alternative

There are also a number of environment variables available inside the container.
These are not strictly needed though as the module already ensures that all
necessary environment variables are set to activate the Conda environment in
the container and on top of that the virtual environment for additional packages.

*   WITH_CONDA: Command to execute to activate the Conda environment used for 
    the Python installation.
*   WITH_VENV: Command to execute to activate the pre-created Python virtual
*   INIT_CONDA_VENV: Command that can be used to initialise the Conda environment
    and then on top of it the Python virtual environment.

Outside of the container, the following commands are available:

*   start-shell: To start a bash shell in the container. Arguments can be used
    to, e.g., tell it to start a command. Without arguments, the conda and Python 
    virtual environments will be initialised, but this is not the case as soon as
    arguments are used.
*   make-squashfs: Make the user-software.squashfs file that would then be mounted
    in the container after reloading the module. This will enhance performance if
    the extra installation in user-software contains a lot of files.
*   unmake-squashfs: Unpack the user-software.squashfs file into the user-software
    subdirectory of $CONTAINERROOT to enable installing additional packages.

Inside the container, the following scripts are available in /runscripts
(and can be checked or edited outside the container in $CONTAINERROOT/runscripts):

*   conda-python-simple: Start Python in the conda + Python venv environment.
*   conda-python-distributed: Example script that can be used to start Python
    in a distributed way compatible with the needs of PyTorch. You should pass
    the Python commands to be executed with the options that the python executable
    would take.
*   get-master: A script used by conda-python-distributed.

Note that any change that you make to files in $CONTAINERROOT will be fully erased
whenever you reinstall the container with EasyBuild so backup all changes or 

docurls = [
    'DeepSpeed web site:'    

toolchain = SYSTEM

sources = [
        'filename':    local_sif,
        'extract_cmd': '/bin/cp -L %s .'
#    {
#        'filename':    local_docker,
#        'extract_cmd': '/bin/cp -L %s .'
#    },

skipsteps = ['build']

files_to_copy = [
    ([local_sif],    '.'),
#    ([local_docker], 'share/docker-defs/')    

# Code for scripts in the bin subdirectory

local_bin_start_shell = """
#!/bin/bash -e

# Run application
if [[ -f "/.singularity.d/Singularity" ]] 
    # In a singularity container, just in case a user would add this to the path.
    exec bash "\$@"
    # Not yet in the container
    singularity exec \$SIFPYTORCH bash "\$@"


local_bin_make_squashfs = """
#!/bin/bash -e

if [[ -f "/.singularity.d/Singularity" ]] 
    # In a singularity container, just in case a user would add this to the path.
    >&2 echo 'The make-squashfs command should not be run in the container.'
    exit 1

cd "%(installdir)s"

if [[ ! -d "user-software" ]]
    >&2 echo -e 'The \$CONTAINERROOT/user-software subdirectory does not exist, so there is nothing to put into the SquashFS file.'
    exit 2

if [[ -f "user-software.squashfs" ]]
    >&2 echo -e '\$CONTAINERROOT/user-software.squashfs already exists. Please remove the file by' \
                '\\nhand if you are sure you wish to proceed and re-run the make-squashfs command.'
    exit 3

mksquashfs user-software user-software.squashfs -processors 1 -no-progress |& grep -v Unrecognised

echo -e '\\nCreated \$CONTAINERROOT/user-software.squashfs from \$CONTAINERROOT/user-software.' \
        '\\nYou need to reload the PyTorch module to ensure that the software is now mounted' \
        '\\nfrom \$CONTAINERROOT/user-software.squashfs. Note that /user-software in the' \
        '\\ncontainer will then be a read-only directory.' \
        '\\nAfter reloading the module, you can also remove the \$CONTAINERROOT/user-software' \
        '\\nsubdirectory if you so wish.\\n'


local_bin_unmake_squashfs = """
#!/bin/bash -e

if [[ -f "/.singularity.d/Singularity" ]] 
    # In a singularity container, just in case a user would add this to the path.
    >&2 echo 'The unmake-squashfs command should not be run in the container.'
    exit 1

cd "%(installdir)s"

if [[ ! -f "user-software.squashfs" ]]
    >&2 echo -e '\$CONTAINERROOT/user-software.squashfs does not exist so cannot uncompress it.'
    exit 2

if [[ -d "user-software" ]]
    >&2 echo -e 'The \$CONTAINERROOT/user-software subdirectory already exists. Please remove this directory by hand' \
                '(rm -r \$CONTAINERROOT/user-software) if you are sure you wish to proceed and re-run the unmake-squashfs command.'
    exit 3

unsquashfs -d ./user-software user-software.squashfs

echo -e '\\nCreated \$CONTAINERROOT/user-software subdirectory from \$CONTAINERROOT/user-software.squasfs.' \
        '\\nYou need to reload the PyTorch module to ensure that the software is now mounted from the' \
        '\\n\$CONTAINERROOT/user-software directory and can now write to /user-software in the container.' \
        '\\nYou can then also remove the \$CONTAINERROOT/user-software.squashfs file if you so wish.\\n'


# Code for scripts in the runscript subdirectory

# Source this file to initialize both the Conda environment and 
# predefined virtual environment in the container.
# This script is still useful to initialise the environment when the
# module is not loaded, e.g., to execute commands in the `postinstallcmds` section.
source /opt/miniconda3/bin/activate {local_conda_env}
source /user-software/venv/{local_conda_env}/bin/activate


#!/bin/bash -e

# Start conda environment inside the container
# eval "\$WITH_CONDA_VENV"

# Run application
python "\$@"


#!/bin/bash -e

# Make sure GPUs are up
if [ \$SLURM_LOCALID -eq 0 ] ; then
sleep 2

# MIOPEN needs some initialisation for the cache as the default location
# does not work on LUMI as Lustre does not provide the necessary features.
export MIOPEN_USER_DB_PATH="/tmp/\$(whoami)-miopen-cache-\$SLURM_NODEID"

# Set MIOpen cache to a temporary folder.
if [ \$SLURM_LOCALID -eq 0 ] ; then
    rm -rf \$MIOPEN_USER_DB_PATH
    mkdir -p \$MIOPEN_USER_DB_PATH
sleep 2

# Set interfaces to be used by RCCL.
# This is needed as otherwise RCCL tries to use a network interface it has
# noa ccess to on LUMI.
export NCCL_SOCKET_IFNAME=hsn0,hsn1,hsn2,hsn3

# Set ROCR_VISIBLE_DEVICES so that each task uses the proper GPU

# Report affinity to check 
echo "Rank \$SLURM_PROCID --> \$(taskset -p \$\$); GPU \$ROCR_VISIBLE_DEVICES"

# The usual PyTorch initialisations (also needed on NVIDIA)
# Note that since we fix the port ID it is not possible to run, e.g., two
# instances via this script using half a node each.
export MASTER_ADDR=\$(/runscripts/get-master "\$SLURM_NODELIST")
export MASTER_PORT=29500

# Run application
python "\$@"


#!/usr/bin/env python3
# This way of starting Python should work both on LUMI and in the container, though
# this script is really meant to be used in the container.

import argparse
def get_parser():
    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="Extract master node name from Slurm node list",
    parser.add_argument("nodelist", help="Slurm nodelist")
    return parser

if __name__ == '__main__':
    parser = get_parser()
    args = parser.parse_args()

    first_nodelist = args.nodelist.split(',')[0]

    if '[' in first_nodelist:
        a = first_nodelist.split('[')
        first_node = a[0] + a[1].split('-')[0]

        first_node = first_nodelist



# Now install does scripts and do further preparations of the container.

local_singularity_bind = '/var/spool/slurmd,/opt/cray,/usr/lib64/,/usr/lib64/,' + \
                         '%(installdir)s/runscripts:/runscripts,' + \

postinstallcmds = [
    # Install the scripts in the bin subdirectory
    'mkdir -p %(installdir)s/bin',
    f'cat >%(installdir)s/bin/start-shell <<EOF {local_bin_start_shell}EOF',
    'chmod a+x %(installdir)s/bin/start-shell',    
    f'cat >%(installdir)s/bin/make-squashfs <<EOF {local_bin_make_squashfs}EOF',
    'chmod a+x %(installdir)s/bin/make-squashfs',    
    f'cat >%(installdir)s/bin/unmake-squashfs <<EOF {local_bin_unmake_squashfs}EOF',
    'chmod a+x %(installdir)s/bin/unmake-squashfs',    
    # Install the runscripts
    'mkdir -p %(installdir)s/runscripts',
    f'cat >%(installdir)s/runscripts/init-conda-venv <<EOF {local_runscript_init_conda_venv}EOF',
    'chmod a-x %(installdir)s/runscripts/init-conda-venv',
    f'cat >%(installdir)s/runscripts/conda-python-simple <<EOF {local_runscript_python_simple}EOF',
    'chmod a+x %(installdir)s/runscripts/conda-python-simple',
    f'cat >%(installdir)s/runscripts/conda-python-distributed <<EOF {local_runscript_python_distributed}EOF',
    'chmod a+x %(installdir)s/runscripts/conda-python-distributed',
    f'cat >%(installdir)s/runscripts/get-master <<EOF {local_runscript_get_master}EOF',
    'chmod a+x %(installdir)s/runscripts/get-master',
    # Create the virtual environment and space for other software installations that
    # can then be packaged.
    'mkdir -p %(installdir)s/user-software/venv',
    # For the next command, we don't need all the bind mounts yet, just the user-software one is enough.
    f'singularity exec --bind %(installdir)s/user-software:/user-software %(installdir)s/{local_sif} bash -c \'$WITH_CONDA ; cd /user-software/venv ; python -m venv --system-site-packages {local_conda_env}\'',

sanity_check_paths = {
    # We deliberately don't check for local_sif as the user is allowed to remove that file
    # but may still want to regenerate the module which would then fail in the sanity check.
    #'files': [f'share/docker-defs/{local_docker}'],
    'files': [],
    'dirs':  ['runscripts'],

modextravars = {
    # SIF variables currently set by a function via modluafooter.
    #'SIF':                             '%(installdir)s/' + local_sif,
    #'SIFPYTORCH':                      '%(installdir)s/' + local_sif,
    'CONTAINERROOT':                    '%(installdir)s',
    'RUNSCRIPTS':                       '%(installdir)s/runscripts',
    'RUNSCRIPTSPYTORCH':                '%(installdir)s/runscripts',
    #'SINGULARITY_BIND':                local_singularity_bind,
    # The following two lines inject the environment variables WITH_VENV and WITH_CONDA_VENV into
    # the container that have a similar function as WITH_CONDA: the first one is the command to
    # activate the Python virtrual environment defined by default and the second one activates
    # both the conda and Python virtual environments, with the latter environment built on top of the
    # former.
    'SINGULARITYENV_WITH_VENV':         f'source /user-software/venv/{local_conda_env}/bin/activate',
    'SINGULARITYENV_WITH_CONDA_VENV':   'source /runscripts/init-conda-venv',
    # The following lines inject environment variables into the container that
    # basically have the same effect as activating the conda environment and Python
    # virtual environment. When these are defined in the module, WITH_CONDA, WITH_VENV or
    # WITGH_CONDA_VENV are not really needed.
    'SINGULARITYENV_PREPEND_PATH':      '/runscripts:/user-software/venv/pytorch/bin:/opt/miniconda3/envs/pytorch/bin:/opt/miniconda3/condabin',
    'SINGULARITYENV_CONDA_EXE':         '/opt/miniconda3/bin/conda',
    'SINGULARITYENV_CONDA_PREFIX':      '/opt/miniconda3/envs/pytorch',
    #'SINGULARITYENV_CONDA_PYTHON_EXE':  '/opt/miniconda3/bin/python',  # This Python should not be used as-is. Instead the wrapper from the Python venv should be used.
    'SINGULARITYENV_VIRTUAL_ENV':       '/user-software/venv/pytorch',

modluafooter = f"""
-- Call a routine to set the various environment variables.
create_container_vars( '{local_sif}', 'PyTorch', '%(installdir)s', '{local_singularity_bind}' )

moduleclass = 'devel'

[PyTorch] [package list]