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[Rust] [package list]

Rust/1.60.0 (Rust-1.60.0.eb)

This software is archived in the LUMI-SoftwareStack GitHub repository as easybuild/easyconfigs/__archive__/r/Rust/Rust-1.60.0.eb. The corresponding module would be Rust/1.60.0.

# Contributed by Kurt Lust, University of Antwerpen and LUMI consortium, based on
# the build recipe in the easybuilders repository.
# NOTE: This package is meant to be installed in partition/common on LUMI.
easyblock = 'ConfigureMake'

import os as local_os

# The first line below is a dirty trick not very much loved by the EasyBuild developers but
# it helps to make this EasyConfig indpendent of the LUMI software stack version as there is
# no other reference to that version in the file that we can use since it relies on the
# SYSTEM toolchain.
local_LUMI_version = local_os.environ['LUMI_STACK_CPE_VERSION']
local_Rust_version =   '1.60.0'        #

name =    'Rust'
version = local_Rust_version

homepage = ''

whatis = [
    "Description: Rust is a systems programming language that runs blazingly fast, prevents segfaults, and guarantees thread safety"

description = """
Rust is blazingly fast and memory-efficient: with no runtime or garbage collector,
it can power performance-critical services, run on embedded devices, and easily
integrate with other languages. Rust’s rich type system and ownership model
guarantee memory-safety and thread-safety — enabling you to eliminate many
classes of bugs at compile-time.

Note that the Rust installation process is not exactly HPC-friendly and 
downloads files on the fly, so installation will not work on nodes that do
not have internet access. Moreover, because of this we cannot give any
guarantee about reproducibility of the install or even our ability to 
re-install Rust when needed, so this version may disappear without any

toolchain = SYSTEM

source_urls = ['']
sources =     ['rustc-%(version)s-src.tar.gz']
checksums =   ['20ca826d1cf674daf8e22c4f8c4b9743af07973211c839b85839742314c838b7']

builddependencies = [
    ('buildtools', local_LUMI_version),  # For CMake

osdependencies = [
    ('openssl-devel', 'libssl-dev', 'libopenssl-devel'), # For CMake

# Configure phase
# TODO: Double-check if it makes sense to set CFLAGS, figure out how to see the compiler flags
# in the log file which may not be trivial as we do not directly call Make.
preconfigopts  = 'module unload cce gcc aocc PrgEnv-gnu PrgEnv-cray PrgEnv-aocc ; module list ; '
preconfigopts += 'CFLAGS="-macrch=znver1 -O2 -fpic" CXXFLAGS="-march=znver1 -O2 -fpic" '

configopts  = "--enable-extended --sysconfdir=%(installdir)s/etc "
# avoid build dependency on Ninja, which requires Python,
# since Rust is a build dependency for cryptography that is included with Python
configopts += " "

# Use ./ to bootstrap so that options like -j N are correctly passed through
# see:
# (ConfigureMake already adds `-j %(parallel)s` to the `build_cmd`)
build_cmd = "./ build"
install_cmd = "./ install -j %(parallel)s"

# avoid failure when home directory is an NFS mount,
# see
prebuildopts  = 'module unload cce gcc aocc PrgEnv-gnu PrgEnv-cray PrgEnv-aocc ; module list ; '
prebuildopts += 'export CARGO_HOME=%(builddir)s/cargo && '
preinstallopts = prebuildopts

sanity_check_paths = {
    'files': ['bin/cargo', 'bin/rustc', 'bin/rustdoc'],
    'dirs':  ['lib/rustlib', 'share/doc', 'share/man'],

sanity_check_commands = [
    "cargo --version",
    "rustc --version",

moduleclass = 'lang'

[Rust] [package list]