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[rocm] [package list]

rocm/5.3.3 (rocm-5.3.3.eb)

To access module help and find out for which stacks and partitions the module is installed, use module spider rocm/5.3.3.


easyblock = 'EB_rocmrpms'

name = 'rocm'
version = '5.3.3'

homepage = ''

whatis = [
    "Description: AMD ROCm is the first open-source software development platform for "
    "HPC/Hyperscale-class GPU computing"

description = """
AMD ROCm is the first open-source software development platform for
HPC/Hyperscale-class GPU computing. AMD ROCm brings the UNIX philosophy of
choice, minimalism and modular software development to GPU computing.

description = """
AMD ROCm is the first open-source software development platform for
HPC/Hyperscale-class GPU computing. AMD ROCm brings the UNIX philosophy of
choice, minimalism and modular software development to GPU computing.

ROCm provides the tools required for the development of code using HIP, OpenCL
and OpenMP programming models including tools for profiling and debugging.

This is an experimental module provided for the convenience of the users.
This is ROCm installed in a way it is not meant to be installed so we cannot
offer any guarantee that this module will work properly with HPE Cray PE modules
nor can we offer any support. Some parts are almost certain to be broken, at 
least in a way that can lead to reduced performance, as ROCm tends to contain
hidden hard-coded links to the regular installation directories. As the inner
workings of the HPE Cray PE are not public and as the PE (at least the version
22.08 on the system) has even never been tested with this version of ROCm 
by HPE there is absolutely no guarantee that this module will play nice with,
e.g., Cray MPICH.

docurls = [
    'PDF documentation in $EBROOTROCM/share/doc/rocgdb',
    'PDF documentation in $EBROOTROCM/share/doc/roctracer',
    'PDF documentation in $EBROOTROCM/share/doc/rocm_smi',
    'PDF documentation in $EBROOTROCM/share/doc/amd-dbgapi',

toolchain = SYSTEM

index_url = ''
gpu_archs = ['gfx90a']

pkg_config = """



Cflags: -I${includedir} -I${profiler_includedir} -I${tracer_includedir} -D_HIP_PLATFORM_HCC_
Description: ROCm Toolkit
Libs: -L${lib64dir} -L${libdir} -L${profiler_libdir} -L${profiler_tooldir} -L${tracer_libdir} -L${tracer_tooldir} -lamdhip64
Name: %(name)s-%(version)s
Version: %(version)s

modextravars = {
  'CRAY_ROCM_VERSION'        : '%(version)s',
  'CRAY_ROCM_DIR'            : '%(installdir)s',
  'CRAY_ROCM_PREFIX'         : '%(installdir)s',
  'XTPE_LINK_TYPE'           : 'dynamic',
  'CRAYPE_LINK_TYPE'         : 'dynamic',

modluafooter = """
append_path("PE_PRODUCT_LIST", "CRAY_ROCM")
prepend_path("PE_PKGCONFIG_LIBS", "rocm-%(version_major_minor)s")

moduleclass = 'devel'

[rocm] [package list]