[singularity-AI-bindings] [package list]
singularity-AI-bindings/24.03 (singularity-AI-bindings-24.03.eb)
Install with the EasyBuild-user module:
To access module help after installation and get reminded for which stacks and partitions the module is installed, usemodule spider singularity-AI-bindings/24.03
easyblock = 'Bundle'
local_craympich_version = '8.1.29'
local_craympich_gnutoolchain = '12.3'
local_libfabric_version = ''
local_LUMI_version = '24.03'
name = 'singularity-AI-bindings'
version = local_LUMI_version
homepage = '()'
whatis = [
'Description: Bindings to let most containers in /appl/local/containers/sif-images use the Slingshot network and access files on Lustre'
description = """
LUMI provides containers for AI applications in /appl/local/containers,
in the sif-images, tested-containers and easybuild-sif-images subdirectories.
These containers require access to the Slingshot network for good RCCL and MPI
performance, and most users also want transparent access to their files.
The bindings set up by this module take care of this.
Note that the precise bindings may be different for some containers, and may
also change over time as the MPI and libfabric libraries on the system change.
This module is certainly not a generic solution for all containers, but worked
for the PyTorch, Tensorflow, JAX, rocm and mpi4py containers in
/appl/local/containers when developed in early 2025.
The module should not be used with any other container binding module.
toolchain = SYSTEM
modextravars = {
'SINGULARITY_BIND': (# Work with Slurm
# HPE Cray PE and Slingshot
# Still to investigate: Proper bindings for MPI I/O through mpi4py
# The next one doesn't seem to be needed anymore
# Access to all filesystems in the regular way
modluafooter = """
family( 'containerbindings' )
conflict( 'singularity-bindings' )
conflict( 'singularity-CPEbits' )
conflict( 'singularity-userfilesystems' )
moduleclass = 'tools'