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[singularity-bindings] [package list]

singularity-bindings/system-cpeGNU-23.09-noglibc (singularity-bindings-system-cpeGNU-23.09-noglibc.eb)

Install with the EasyBuild-user module:

eb singularity-bindings-system-cpeGNU-23.09-noglibc.eb -r
To access module help after installation and get reminded for which stacks and partitions the module is installed, use module spider singularity-bindings/system-cpeGNU-23.09-noglibc.


#DOC Bindings to be used while 23.09 is the default version of the programming environment.
easyblock = 'Bundle'

local_craympich_version = '8.1.27'
local_libfabric_version = ''

name = 'singularity-bindings'
version = 'system'
versionsuffix = '-noglibc'

homepage = ''

whatis = [
    'Description: Bindings to let singularity containers use the cray-mpich libraries on the system'

description = """
Singularity is a portable application stack packaging and runtime utility.
This module provides the MPI support for singularity containers based
on MPICH versions which are ABI-compatible with cray-mpich.

Singularity on LUMI is provided in the base OS images, so no module needs
to be loaded to just use singularity. This module sets SINGULARTY_BIND and
SINGULARITYENV_LD_LIBRARY_PATH to enable containers that use an MPICH 
version that is ABI compatible with cray-mpich to use the cray-mpich
libraries provided on LUMI for optimal performance on the interconnect
of LUMI.

toolchain = {'name': 'cpeGNU', 'version': '23.09'}

dependencies = [
    (f'cray-mpich-abi/{local_craympich_version}', EXTERNAL_MODULE),

modextravars = {
    'SINGULARITYENV_LD_LIBRARY_PATH': ('/opt/cray/pe/mpich/' + local_craympich_version + '/ofi/gnu/9.1/lib-abi-mpich:'
                                       '/opt/cray/libfabric/' + local_libfabric_version + '/lib64:'
    'SINGULARITY_BIND': ('/opt/cray,'


modluafooter = """
family( 'containerbindings' )
conflict( 'singularity-bindings' )
conflict( 'singularity-CPEbits' )
conflict( 'singularity-userfilesystems' )

moduleclass = 'tools'

[singularity-bindings] [package list]