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Miscellaneous LUMI information, tips and tricks

This unofficial site contains things I discovered in the HPE-Cray PE or other software on LUMI but have trouble finding in the documentation or is too specialised or anecdotal to have a place in the documentation.

This is by no means an official LUMI documentation site. It is strictly the personal project of Kurt Lust and his memory of certain things. In no means does it express any opinion of my employer, the University of Antwerp, nor from any other entity involved in the LUMI project.

Documentation links page maintained for the course pages

  1. Compilers
    1. Documentation for the compilers
    2. LibSci
    3. Wrapper-induced problems
    4. Performance tools and metrics
    5. Intel compilers and libraries
    6. Miscellaneous topics
  2. LMOD
    1. LMOD documentation
    2. Lmod setup
    3. PE module structure
  3. Slurm
    1. Doc links
    2. GPU binding
    3. Slurm in a container
    4. Miscellaneous tips&tricks
  4. AI software
    1. TensorFlow
  5. MPI
    1. Cray MPICH tips&tricks
    2. Open MPI
    3. OSU micro-benchmarks
    4. Open MPI tips&tricks
    5. Misc
  6. ROCm
    1. Miscellaneous
  7. Lustre
    1. Miscellaneous topics: Lustre
  8. LUMI-O
    1. Miscellaneous topics: LUMI-O
  9. Software
    1. GROMACS
    2. ParaView
    3. Python
    4. R
  10. Linux
    1. File management
    2. Bash tips
  11. Misc
    1. LUMI flop computation
    2. Login node organisation
    3. HPE software releases
    4. EESSI
    5. Energy consumption
    6. Answers to frequent user complaints