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  • Day 1: Exploring LUMI from the login nodes and web interface
  • Day 2
    • Running jobs efficiently
    • Storing data on LUMI: Lustre parallel file system and object storage
    • Containers on LUMI-C and LUMI-G (with some attention to AI)


DAY 1 - 10 December 2024
09:00 CET
10:00 EET
Welcome and Introduction
Presenters: Jørn Dietze and Kurt Lust
09:15 CET
10:15 EET
LUMI Architecture
Presenter: Emanuele Vitali
Some insight in the hardware of LUMI is necessary to understand what LUMI can do and what it cannot do, and to understand how an application can be mapped upon the machine for optimal performance.
10:00 CET
11:00 EET
HPE Cray Programming Environment
Presenter: Kurt Lust
As Linux itself is not a complete supercomputer operating system, many components that are essential for the proper functioning of a supercomputer are separate packages (such as the Slurm scheduler discussed on day 2) or part of programming environments. It is important to understand the consequences of this, even if all you want is to simply run a program.
11:00 CET
12:00 EET
11:20 CET
12:20 EET
Getting Access to LUMI
Presenter: Kurt Lust
We discuss the options to log on to LUMI and to transfer data.
11:50 CET
12:50 EET
Exercises (session #1)
12:20 CET
13:20 EET
Lunch break
13:15 CET
14:15 EET
Modules on LUMI
Presenter: Kurt Lust
LUMI uses Lmod, but as Lmod can be configured in different ways, even an experienced Lmod user can learn from this presentation how we use modules on LUMI and how modules can be found.
13:55 CET
14:55 EET
Exercises (session #2)
14:15 CET
15:15 EET
14:35 CET
15:35 EET
LUMI Software Stacks
Presenter: Kurt Lust
In this presentation we discuss how application software is made available to users of LUMI. For users of smaller Tier-2 clusters with large support teams compared to the user base of the machine, the approach taken on LUMI may be a bit unusual...
15:35 CET
16:35 EET
Exercises (session #3)
15:55 CET
16:55 EET
LUMI Support and Documentation
Presenter: Jorik van Kemenade
Where can I find documentation or get training, and which support services are available for what problems? And how can I formulate a support ticket so that I can get a quick answer without much back-and-forth mailing?
16:25 CET
17:25 EET
Wrap-up of the day
16:30 CET
17:30 EET
Free Q&A
LUSTers stay onlLine to answer further questions
17:00 CET
18:00 EET
End of day 1
DAY 2 - 11 December 2024
09:00 CET
10:00 EET
Short welcome, recap and plan for the day
Presenters: Kurt Lust
09:15 CET
10:15 EET
Slurm on LUMI
Presenter: Jorik van Kemenade
Slurm is the batch job scheduler used on LUMI. As no two Slurm configurations are identical, even an experienced Slurm user should have a quick look at the notes of this talk to understand the particular configuration on LUMI.
10:45 CET
11:45 EET
11:05 CET
12:05 EET
Process and Thread Distribution and Binding
Presenter: Jorik van Kemenade
To get good performance on hardware with a strong hierarchy as AMD EPYC processors and GPUs, it is important to map processes and threads properly on the hardware. This talk discusses the various mechanisms available on LUMI for this.
12:00 CET
13:00 EET
Exercises (session #4)
12:30 CET
13:30 EET
Lunch break
13:25 CET
14:25 EET
Using Lustre
Presenter: Emanuele Vitali
Lustre is a parallel file system and the main file system on LUMI. It is important to realise what the strengths and weaknesses of Lustre at the scale of a machine as LUMI are and how to use it properly and not disturb the work of other users.
13:55 CET
14:55 EET
Using object storage
Presenter: Kurt Lust
LUMI also has an object storage system. It is useful as a staging location to transfer data to LUMI, but some programs may also benefit from accessing the object storage directly.
14:25 CET
15:25 EET
Exercises (session #5)
14:45 CET
15:45 EET
15:05 CET
16:05 EET
Containers on LUMI-C and LUMI-G
Presenter: Kurt Lust
Containers are a way on LUMI to deal with the too-many-small-files software installations on LUMI, e.g., large Python or Conda installations. They are also a way to install software that is hard to compile, e.g., because no source code is available or because there are simply too many dependencies.
16:05 CET
17:05 EET
What Else?
Presenter: Kurt Lust
A brief discussion about what else LUST offers, what is not covered in this course, and how you can learn about it.
16:15 CET
17:15 EET
Free Q&A
LUSTers stay around to answer questions.
16:45 CET
17:45 EET
End of day 2