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Exercise session 1

  • Exercise materials in /project/project_465000524/exercises/HPE/day1/ProgrammingModels for the lifetime of the project and only for project members.

    See /project/project_465000524/exercises/HPE/day1/ProgrammingModelExamples_SLURM.pdf

  • Permanent archive on LUMI:

    • Exercise notes in /appl/local/training/4day-20230530/files/LUMI-4day-20230530-Exercises_HPE.pdf

    • Exercises as bizp2-compressed tar file in /appl/local/training/4day-20230530/files/LUMI-4day-20230530-Exercises_HPE.tar.bz2

    • Exercises as uncompressed tar file in /appl/local/training/4day-20230530/files/LUMI-4day-20230530-Exercises_HPE.tar


  1. sprun command in the very end of the exercise pdf, is that a typo ?

    **Answer** Yes
  2. I have following modules loaded on a GPU node:

    Currently Loaded Modules:
      1) init-lumi/0.2     (S)   4) cce/15.0.0         7) libfabric/  10) cray-libsci/    13) rocm/5.2.3
      2) lumi-tools/23.04  (S)   5) craype/2.7.19      8) craype-network-ofi  11) PrgEnv-cray/8.3.3
      3) ModuleLabel/label (S)   6) cray-dsmml/0.2.2   9) cray-mpich/8.1.23   12) craype-accel-amd-gfx90a

    When I compile the pi_hip target, I get a warning:

    No supported cpu target is set, CRAY_CPU_TARGET=x86-64 will be used.
    Is this ok, am I missing a module to set this variable, or should it be set manually?

    Answer Can you try with a fresh shell? I've just tried and it works:

    > module load craype-accel-amd-gfx90a rocm
    > make acc
    cc -o pi_openmp_device pi_openmp_device.c -fopenmp
    CC -xhip -o pi_hip pi_hip.cpp
    In file included from pi_hip.cpp:9:
    Ignore the warnings...

  3. With, PrgEnv-cray, craype-x86-milan, craype-accel-host: C_timers/pi_mpi compiles, but running it results in:

    MPICH ERROR [Rank 0] [job id 3605521.0] [Tue May 30 12:41:09 2023] [nid002042] - Abort(-1) (rank 0 in comm 0): MPIDI_CRAY_init: GPU_SUPPORT_ENABLED is requested, but GTL library is not linked
    (Other MPI error)
    aborting job:
    MPIDI_CRAY_init: GPU_SUPPORT_ENABLED is requested, but GTL library is not linked
    (serial and openmpi tests worked fine)

    Answer Could you list your modules? You should not use craype-accel-host if you are running a CPU code on LUMI_c.

  4. With PrgEnv-amd, craype-x86-milan, rocm/5.2.3: compilation fails because CC --cray-print-opts=libs returns a string which includes, among others, -lsci_amd -lsci_amd,-lflangrti,-lflang,-lpgmath -ldl (note the commas and missing spacs between flags) and this is seen in the error ld.lld: error: unable to find library -lsci_amd,-lflangrti,-lflang,-lpgmath. A workaround is to set HIPCC_LINK_FLAGS_APPEND manually and call hipcc directly, but the CC call should be fixed for this combo.

    Answer [Alfio HPE] I cannot reproduce this problem, could you provide the list of modules? This is what I get:

    > CC --cray-print-opts=libs
    -L/opt/cray/pe/mpich/8.1.23/ofi/amd/5.0/lib -L/opt/cray/pe/mpich/8.1.23/gtl/lib 
    -L/opt/cray/pe/libsci/ -L/opt/rocm/lib64 -L/opt/rocm/lib -L/opt/rocm/rocprofiler/lib 
    -L/opt/rocm/rocprofiler/tool -L/opt/rocm/roctracer/lib -L/opt/rocm/roctracer/tool -L/opt/rocm/hip/lib 
    -L/opt/cray/xpmem/2.5.2-2.4_3.20__gd0f7936.shasta/lib64 -L/opt/cray/pe/dsmml/0.2.2/dsmml//lib -lamdhip64 
    -Wl,--as-needed,-lsci_amd_mpi,--no-as-needed -Wl,--as-needed,-lsci_amd,--no-as-needed -ldl -Wl,
    --as-needed,-lmpi_amd,--no-as-needed -lmpi_gtl_hsa -Wl,--as-needed,-ldsmml,--no-as-needed -lxpmem

    Reply After quite a bit of testing, I found that repeated loading of modules LUMI/22.08, PrgEnv-amd, partition/G sometimes ended up loading also the module cray-libsci/ which results in the broken link flags. Switching to cray-libsci/ gives the correct flags again. But indeed, it's not deterministic which combo of modules you get unless you do a force purge first.

    [Kurt] As we shall also see tomorrow this is the wrong way of using the LUMI modules. You should not use the PrgEnv-* modules with the LUMI modules unlwss you understand what is happening and you should load the partition module immediately after the LUMI module.

    Due to the way Lmod works loading modules that change the defaults such as the cpe modules and the LUMI modules should not be used in a single module statement with modules for which you want the default version without specifying any version. What you see in different behaviour is likely the result of sometimes loading in a single module call and sometimes not. It may be better to switch to using the full CPE 22.12 set though. There are a few broken links in the LibSci installation for AMD in 22.08.