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Hands-on: Run a simple PyTorch example notebook

Exercises on the course GitHub.


  1. How to use git lfs?

    • The lfs module for git is not on LUMI by default and currently not also available as a pre-installed module (due to issues in the past). We do offer ways to install it yourself via EasyBuild recipes (see the git-lfs page in the LUMI Software Library) but that is not covered in this course but in our regular intro course. Since we don't use git lfs ourselves in our work, this particular recipe is also not well tested.

      The system image on LUMI is deliberately kept small as it eats from the RAM on the compute nodes and as a too large image also slows down (re)booting too much. The central software stack also has its management issues due to the way it is organised, so we don't put things in there unless they are of broad use and we are also sure that the build is OK. Changing something in the central stack why assuring that no running jobs break, is hard and a slow process so we have chosen for a more flexible approach.