Lessons learnt¶
We have seen that there are four levels of parallelism in supercomputer, and three of them are also relevant for PCs or even smartphones:
Instruction level parallelism through pipelining and superscalar execution, present to some degree in virtually all processor designs these days, even very low power ones for smartphones. These are techniques to do more instructions per clock cycle.
Vector instructions (and now coming up, matrix instructions) to do more work per instruction. These are also used in even a lot of low power designs, have been crucial to get additional performance from even PC processors in the past 20 years, and are even useful in lots of integer based compute tasks on modern CPUs (AI inference, image and sound processing, ...)
Shared memory parallelism: Many cores sharing a single memory space. This type of parallelism is also present in PCs and even smartphones, but supercomputers take it to a larger scale, reaching limits of scalability of operating systems.
Distributed memory parallelism. This is the only level of parallelism that is not found in your PC or smartphone. Both may more and more rely on distributed apps where some of the functionality comes from remote servers, but this kind of distribution uses very different techniques from what is needed to run, e.g., a simulation code on a distributed memory infrastructure.
The processors in a supercomputer are optimised for parallel performance and not for sequential performance. Hence a single threaded application may run a lot faster on a high-end PC then on a supercomputer.
It is also important to realise that computers and compilers have evolved over the years. As part of the performance growth of processors comes from the addition of new (mostly vector) instructions, a ten year old binary won't run efficiently. Due to other changes in the system architecture, it might not even run at all. Code that remained unmodified for 20 years probably will not be able to extract all parallelism of modern supercomputers, even when properly recompiled. It might in fact not even be efficient on your PC anymore.
It is also important to realise that supercomputers contain 1000's of times more parts than a regular PC. Even though care is taken to add some redundancy where affordable and even though there is a focus on using rather reliable components, a supercomputer is not as reliable as your PC. Crashes are often contained to a small part of the supercomputer (e.g., single nodes failing), but if you run on a large number of nodes you will experience a lot more problems than you are used to from running small problems on a PC. It is not a good idea to run a large multi-day job without making sure that it stores enough data from time to time to restart an interrupted computation. E.g., assume that on a cluster a node crashes on average once every two years and assume that those events are independent on different nodes. Then basically the chance that a 100-node job can run successfully for 7 days is less than 40%.