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These are packages that provide terminal emulator functionality with support for ssh, support for file transfer over sftp, and an X server or other ways to run remote graphics.

  • MobaXTerm is maybe the most popular package of this kind at the moment. It has a free version with some restrictions on the number of connections (and a big restriction in the license on support you can get from even just your local system managers) and a commercial version based on a subscription model. The package is so large and rich in functionality that it becomes confusing. E.g., ssh is support both via a built-in PuTTY (see below) and OpenSSH in the built-in CygWin Linux emulation layer (which also offers a built-in bash shell), but both use different key formats. However, it is very rich in supported protocols. E.g., it also supports remote display connections via VNC or RDP. Recent versions can also be used as a terminal emulator to run WSL (Windows Subsystem for Linux) sessions.

  • WinSSHTerm: This package is far less complete as MobaXTerm and requires external packages to work. It essentially combines the PuTTY/KiTTY ssh/terminal emulator, WinSCP file transfer tool and VcXsrv X server.

  • XMANAGER POWER SUITE and its subpackages XSHELL for ssh and XFTP for sftp and XMANAGER for X. It is not clear how integrated the suite is or if these should more be considered as separate applications with bundle pricing. It is also a rather pricey package.